Fruit Dryer Drying Process

Fruit Dryer Drying Process

Fruit Dryer Drying Process

1. After cleaning, sort the fruits, and the fruits must be dried in the same way.

2. Slice fruits by hand or machine to a thickness of about 3-5 mm.

3. Spread the sliced ​​fruit pieces on the material rack. Be careful not to stack them to avoid uneven heat.

4. Open the control panel, set the temperature at 45 humedad 55-60%, el tiempo de secado es de 90 minutos, la precisión del control de temperatura en la sala de horneado puede alcanzar ± 0,5 ℃ 5 humedad 55-60%, el tiempo de secado es de 90 minutos, and the humidity is 20%.

5. Después de secar, pull out the material to regain moisture for about half an hour, and then pack the box.

Hora de publicación: 2020-11-07
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