Proces sušenja manga

Proces sušenja manga

Mango je jedno od najpoznatijih tropskih voća, plod manga sadrži šećer, protein, sirova vlakna, mango sadrži sve voće rijedak vitamin A prekursor karotena. Ima visoku nutritivnu vrijednost: može se boriti protiv raka, smanjiti lipide u krvi, Ime, pojačati imunitet, spriječiti starenje, spriječiti mučninu, smršaviti, okrijepiti slezenu i želudac i tako dalje. Jer mango nije lako održavati svježim i skladištiti te transportirati na velike udaljenosti, ljudi ga često prerađuju u konzerviranu šećernu vodu, kandirano voće, voćno vino, suho voće, pekmez, žele i tako dalje.

Baxin sušilo za mango profesionalno za učinkovito, brza, zaštita okoliša, sigurnosno i higijensko sušenje manga. Mango sušilica je udobna i praktična, automatski i inteligentan. It can adjust temperature and humidity according to the characteristics of drying material. The drying process does not need special supervision. After the material is baked or the drying temperature reaches, the unit will stop automatically. Because the whole process of drying is almost carried out in the drying room, the heat pump can recover the heat, which not only reduces the energy consumption of drying, but also effectively eliminates the secondary pollution and ensures the cleanliness of the material.Obert mango dryer is a necessary drying equipment for mango drying users because of its weather trouble and small area, Ušteda energije, zaštita okoliša, intelligence, safety, efficiency and wide range of application.

Baxin Mango Dryer

Process: raw material selection → cleaning → peeling slice → color protection treatment → drying → packaging.

  1. selection maturity of 8-9% fleshy, good color fresh mango as raw materials.
  2. pour the mango into the flow tank and clear it, peel it and cut it longitudinally into mango slices about 10 mm thick.


3. sliced mango is soaked in sugar water for 3 days to increase color formation, after draining water, the raw materials are evenly placed on the drying shelf, and then put into the drying room to dry.The drying temperature should not exceed 50℃ during

4. sušenje, the first drying mode is drying plus dehumidification mode, and the later stage is drying mode.

  1. the water content of the product reaches the drying requirement, it is generally about 15-18%. The product can be put back into the closed container for 2-3 sati, so that the water content of each part is balanced, the texture is soft and convenient for packing.

Vrijeme objave: 2020-11-11
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