

  • Where is the Best Place to Install the Air to Water Source Heat Pump?

    As people's demand for a comfortable life continues to increase, there are more and more ways to heat in winter. From the perspective of the development of heating fuels such as burning wood → coal → gas → electricity, technology continues to advance, and heating equipment is also developing step by step. . Nowadays, many households use floor heating or…
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    The inverter heat pump series is equipped with a number of technologies to improve the stability and reliability. Regardless of the low temperature challenge in an extreme environment or the voltage instability caused by peak power consumption, the unit can easily cope with various harsh challenges and ensure stable and reliable.   Adopting high-quality advanced invertercontroller, the unit can operate normally…
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  • Comparison between Ultra-low Temperature Air Source Heat Pump and Wall-Mounted Boiler + Fluorine Central Air Conditioner

    Item Heat Pump (Water Floor Heating+Air Conditioning Terminal) Wall-Mounted Boiler + Fluorine Central Air Conditioner Safety Water floor heating: Driven by electricity, with low-grade heat energy in the air as the main medium household central air conditioner: The low-pressure water system is less likely to leak, and the water is environmentally friendly, and water leakage has no impact…
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  • Ultra-low Temperature Air Source Heat Pump Working Principle

    Air energy refers to the energy contained in the air, which is the low heat energy in the air. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy is neither produced nor disappear, energy is converted from one form to another form or transferred from one object to another object. Air source heat pump is to transfer the air low…
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  • Intelligent Defrosting of Twesix Heating and Cooling Heat Pump

    Intelligent defrosting technology not only detects changes in outdoor ambient temperature in real time through the outdoor ambient temperature sensor, suction temperature sensor, and evaporation pressure sensor, but also judges whether the unit needs to enter the defrosting mode through real-time monitoring of heat exchange temperature changes. Үүний зэрэгцээ, the system adds intelligent defrosting The frost system judges…
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  • Core Technology of Twesix low Temperature Air Source Heat Pump?

    Compressor Adopt DC inverter EVI to precisely control the frequency of the compressor, the capacity is 30%~100%, and the speed can be adjusted arbitrarily, up to 7800rpm, and the capacity range is wider. Precisely control the amount of supplementary air to meet the requirements of greatly improving the heating capacity and energy efficiency under low ambient temperature, with super heating…
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  • How can Twesix Heating and Cooling Heat Pump Noise Low to 42dB?

    Adopting large-size fans, suitable wind flow channel design, and performs noise reduction treatment for compressors, chassis, cabinets, гэх мэт. in various ways such as elimination, separation, and suction. Equipped with a silent mode, the noise is as low as 42dB, and it is guaranteed by eight layers.
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  • The Installation Comparison between Ultra-low Temperature Air Source Heat Pump VS Wall-Mounted Boiler + Fluorine Central Air Conditioner

    The water system's design is flexible and the reconstruction is more convenient Water system: can be added or deleted indoor units or outdoor units separately in the later stage,дизайныг илүү уян хатан болгох. Collocation of Internal and External Units,More Flexible and Unlimited Water system: Any water ends can be matched with the outdoor unit without any Restrictions.more flexible and independent matching…
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  • Сармисыг хэрхэн хатаах вэ

    Сармис хатаах үйл явц Сармис нэвтэрхий толь Сармисыг бас сармисны толгой гэж нэрлэдэг, сармисын толгой, сармис, ганц сармис, нэг толгойтой сармис, мөн сармисны ургамлын ерөнхий нэр томъёо юм. Хагас наст өвслөг ургамал, Allium spp., Liliaceae-ийн гэр бүлд. Хавар, зуны улиралд ургац хураана, бариулыг уя, агааржуулалттай газар өлгөх, сүүдэрт хатааж, нөөцлөнө. Хөдөө аж ахуйн зүйр үг хэлдэг "Grow garlic…
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  • Сармисыг хэрхэн хатаах вэ

    Сармис хатаах үйл явц Сармис нэвтэрхий толь Сармисыг бас сармисны толгой гэж нэрлэдэг, сармисын толгой, сармис, ганц сармис, нэг толгойтой сармис, мөн сармисны ургамлын ерөнхий нэр томъёо юм. Хагас наст өвслөг ургамал, Allium spp., Liliaceae-ийн гэр бүлд. Хавар, зуны улиралд ургац хураана, бариулыг уя, агааржуулалттай газар өлгөх, сүүдэрт хатааж, нөөцлөнө. Хөдөө аж ахуйн зүйр үг хэлдэг "Grow garlic…
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  • Twesix хүнсний шингэн алдалтын машинаар будааны гоймонг хэрхэн яаж хатаах вэ

    1、Цагаан будааны гоймонг усгүйжүүлэхийн тулд Twesix хүнсний хатаагч машин ашиглан бага температурын хугацаа, 25-30 at температур 2、Өндөр температурын температур Температурыг 38 ℃-ээс 42 at гэж тохируулна, цагаан будааны гоймонгийн чийгийг 13% хадгалдаг тул гоймон хагарахаас сэргийлж чаддаг 3、Хөргөх хугацаа Температурыг аажмаар бууруулж хатаах хүртэл будааны гоймонг эвдэхгүйн тулд ерөнхийдөө Twesix гоймонг усгүйжүүлсэн машинаар ашиглаарай,...
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  • Хиам, гахайн махыг хэрхэн яаж хатаах вэ

    Зөвлөмжүүд: 1、Түргэн хатаах хугацаа Хатаах камерт хиам, гахайн утсан өлгөөтэй тавиурыг түлхэхээс өмнө, Twesix усгүйжүүлсэн машиныг халуун агаарыг температурт зайлуул 60 ℃-ээс 65 ℃ хүртэл,хиам, гахайн махыг исгэж болно, өнгө, амтыг хадгалах 2、Удаан хатаах үеийн температур 52 ℃ - 54 ℃,чийгшил 45%, хатаах хугацаа 3 4 цаг хүртэл 3、Fast Drying Period Temperature…
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