220V Pompa tas-Sħana li tiffranka l-enerġija għat-tisħin tad-dar tiegħek

220V Pompa tas-Sħana li tiffranka l-enerġija għat-tisħin tad-dar tiegħek

Deskrizzjoni Qasira:

1. The heat pump room heaters are more efficient than other heating systems, and use a smaller amount of electricity to produce a greater amount of heat for the home.
2. Stable running at -35℃ ambient temperature.
3. Max outlet hot water up to 65℃.
4. Noise low to 42dB.
5. Use Environment-friendly refrigerants R32, R410a optional.
6. Easy installation, and operation
7. Use famous brands’ components, high quality and reduce later maintenance.
8. Perfect protection design such as anti-frost protection, high/ low pressure protection, water flow protection, high-temp protection, etc., and intelligent defrost function, assuring the system to run safely and efficiently even in low temperature environment.
9. Blue Aluminum fins+copper tubes as condenser, double L shape, more bigger and efficiency.

Dettall tal-Prodott

Tags tal-Prodott

1. Kundizzjoni tax-xogħol tat-tisħin A: Ballun niexef fuq barra/ballun imxarrab 7℃/6℃, temperatura tal-ilma tal-ħruġ 45℃.
2. Kundizzjoni tax-xogħol tat-tisħin B: Ballun niexef fuq barra/ballun imxarrab -12℃/-14℃, temperatura tal-ilma tal-ħruġ 41℃.
3. Kondizzjoni tax-xogħol tat-tkessiħ: Ballun niexef fuq barra/ballun imxarrab 35℃/24℃, temperatura tal-ilma tal-ħruġ 7℃.
4. Il-mudell, parameters and performance will be changed without notice due to the improvement of the product. Jekk jogħġbok irreferi għall-pjanċa tal-isem tal-prodott għal parametri speċifiċi.

Teknoloġija EVI, Tħaddim Stabbli f'Temperatura Ambjentali -35℃ u 65℃ Ilma sħun
The special high efficiency and high compression ration compressor, flimkien ma 'teknoloġija EVI b'temperatura ultra-baxxa, jista 'mhux biss jaħdem b'mod normali f'-35 ℃, iżda wkoll it-temperatura tal-ilma tal-ħruġ tal-pompa tas-sħana tista 'tkun għolja sa 65℃, realizing the hot water output of high temperatur, meeting the needs of household hot water bath, u tipprovdi garanzija ta 'tisħin għal reġjuni kesħin.

Large-sized fans and appropriate wind runner design are adopted, u trattament għat-tnaqqis tal-istorbju jitwettaq għall-kompressuri, klassi, cabinets etc by means of noise elimination, iżolament, adsorption and other ways. Il-ħoss tal-unitajiet tagħna jista 'jkun 42dB.

The intelligent defrosting technology not only detects the change of outdoor ambient temperature in real time through the outdoor ambient temperature sensor, suction temperature sensor and evaporation pressure sensor, but also judges whether the unit needs to be the defrosting mode by monitoring the change of heat exchanger temperature in real time. Fl-istess waqt, is-sistema żżid sistema intelliġenti ta 'defrosting biex tiġġudika l-aħjar ħin għad-defrosting, to achieve the defrosting with and without frost. Improve defrosting efficiency to save power-consumption and improve confort.

Il-kontrollur intelliġenti jintuża biex jirrealizza l-kontroll tal-konnessjoni bejn l-unità tal-pompa tas-sħana u l-applikazzjoni terminali biex ittejjeb l-effiċjenza tal-operat. Permezz tal-APP WIFI, l-utenti jistgħu joperaw it-tagħmir tagħhom mill-ismartphones tagħhom f'kull ħin u kullimkien.

1. Flexible Design of Water System, More Convenient Reconstruction

Water system: The water air conditioning system can be modified, added or deleted separately for the indoor unit or outdoor unit in the later period, making the design more flexible.

Fluorine system: the indoor and outdoor reconstruction of traditional fluorine system must be carried out at the same time, and the indoor unit cannot be added later.

2. The Matching of Indoor and Outdoor Units

Water system: any water terminals can be matched with the outdoor unit, without any restrictions, more flexible and independent.

Indoor and outdoor units must come from the same manufacturers. And the later maintenance and replacement are limited.

3. Installation Distance

Liquid water is used as the heat transfer medium inside the indoor units. There is almost no problem of air conditioning capacity decline caused by long connecting pipes. The performance is almost unaffected by the connecting length of water pipes, and the capacity loss is almost zero.

The refrigerant pipeline is used as the heat transfer medium, and the pipeline connection increases the resistance of refrigerant flow, which leads to the failure of compressor capacity and the attenuation of refrigeration capacity. Fl-istess waqt, too high exhaust temperature may increase the amount of refrigerant, increase the cost and repair costs.

4. Investment

Air source heat pump: realize efficient cooling of fan coil in summer; In winter, floor heating is realized. One set of equipment can meet two needs of families and reduce the investment in equipment in later stage.

Fluorine system central air conditioning+gas wall-mounted furnace: two sets of systems are required to realize air conditioning and floor heating, with high initial investment and complex system maintenance.

Ibgħatilna l-messaġġ tiegħek: