Coconut Copra dehydration machine dehydrated Coconut oven fruit and Jackfruit food dehydrator

Coconut Copra dehydration machine dehydrated Coconut oven fruit and Jackfruit food dehydrator

Fa'amatalaga Puupuu:

How do you dry coconut for copra?

A curious and expensive method is used to dry copra for edible purposes. To produce ball copra, the whole coconut is dried in the shell for 8-12 mo by smoke from husk and leaves, till all the coconut water dries out, and the kernels detach from shells, which one can audibly detect by shaking the dried nut.


Numera Fa'ata'ita'i: DPHG080S-PS

Fa'amatalaga Oloa

Faailoga o oloa

1.O faʻamatalaga i luga o loʻo i lalo ole tulaga suʻega: Vaega i fafo ile vevela ole ea 20°C,fa'amamago uma le 15°C, fafo ea polo mago°C
2. Dehunlldlty volutne fa'ata'ita'iina i lalo ole tulaga fa'ata'ita'iga masani, o le a eseese e tusa ai ma le polo susu susu i fafo / totonu.
3. O fa'ata'ita'iga fa'ata'ita'iga fa'atinoga e suia e tusa ai ma le fa'afouga o oloa,matou te le logoina fa'apitoa lena mea, faamolemole ave le nameplate e pei o le lomiga aupito lata maiWhy Using Twesix’ Air Source Heat Pump Dryer saving Energy
Completely overcome the shortcomings of open and closed dryer systems, and use their advantages;The open and closed loopdryer system is not affected by the ambient temperature. When the set temperature is reached, the open closed drying methodsare intelligently switched, and the sensible and latent heat recovery system avoids the low heating efficiency in low temperatureenvironments, even at ultra low temperatures. Even without electricity and auxiliary heat in the environment, the drying roomcan be heated up quickly, and the system is more enerv-efficientWhat can the food dehydrated machine dry? E masani ona matou fa'aoga plywood ma fa'aiti'i ata e teu ai, fa'aoga pusa fa'ata mo tama'i fa'ata'ita'iga,e mafai foi ona tatou faia le afifi e pei ole talosaga.
1. Fautuaga fa'atau
2. Tau falegaosimea
3. Puleaina o gaosiga
4. QC pulea
5. Tiliva i le taimi
6. Lagolago pe a uma faʻatau
7. Lagolago faiga fa'agogoA. O a fa'amatalaga e uiga i mea'ai e tu'uina atu e le tagata o tausia
Suafa ole meaai, mamafa,susu,taimi fa'agogo ma isi

B. E mafai ona e tu'uina atu fa'amagoina faiga fa'apitoa i tagata fa'atau
Ioe. O galuega faatino uma sa matou faia, ma matou te faamaumauina i taimi uma mo tagata faʻatau

C. Au'aunaga ina ua uma ona fa'atau
1, Lagolago faʻapitoa mo lau faʻapipiʻiina, faagaoioiga ma le tausiga.
2, Tasi le tausaga fa'amaonia, ma e mafai ona e totogia mo le extended warranty.
3, Vaega fa'apitoa ma lagolago fa'atekinisi i le tele o tau fa'aletupe pe a mae'a le fa'amaonia

D. Le aso tu'uina atu

E. O a ituaiga fua e te fa'amago i au galuega faatino
Apple,vine, pulumu, piki, fa'i, fa'amaina, popo,ula ma isi

F. O le a le ituaiga iʻa o le sami e te faʻamago i au galuega
satini,so'e,figota,koka samasama,ula,ula ma isi

Afai e te fiafia i a matou oloa, pls lagona saoloto e faʻafesoʻotaʻi i matou.


Auina mai lau savali ia i matou: