High Technology Hot Air Mushroom Dewatering Dehydration Drying Machine

High Technology Hot Air Mushroom Dewatering Dehydration Drying Machine

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The working principle of heat pump drying machine: untilize refrigerant compression through the compressor to form the high temperature and high pressure gas.The gas went into the condenser to release heat, the heat will be sent into the chamber by the circulating fan , to heat the air in the chamber(The maximum air temperature up to 75 ). Then the air temperature rises, the moisture in the drying material will gradually evaporate, and then exhaust of the moisture by the fresh air dehumidification system,to achieve the drying effect.

Model Number: DPHG150S-PS-P

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1.Above datas are under the testing condition: Outside unit at air temperature 20°C,inlet air dry all 15°C, outlet air dry ball°C
2. Dehunlldlty volutne tested under standard testing condition, it will vary according to the outdoor/indoor temperature wet ball.
3. The models parameters performance nlight be changed according to the update of the products,we will not notify that specially, please take the nameplate as the latest version Why Using Twesix’ Air Source Heat Pump Dryer saving Energy

Completely overcome the shortcomings of open and closed dryer systems, and use their advantages;The open and closed loopdryer system is not affected by the ambient temperature. When the set temperature is reached, the open closed drying methodsare intelligently switched, and the sensible and latent heat recovery system avoids the low heating efficiency in low temperatureenvironments, even at ultra low temperatures. Even without electricity and auxiliary heat in the environment, the drying roomcan be heated up quickly, and the system is more enerv-efficient

Why Using Heat Pump Dryer?
We normally use plywood and shrink film to pack, use carton box for small models,we can also make the package as request.

1. Beuli nasehat
2. Harga pabrik
3. Kontrol produksi
4. kontrol QC
5. Pangiriman dina waktosna
6. Rojongan sanggeus jualan

A. Service pamayaran
1, T/T
2, L/C (pikeun pesenan wadahna wungkul)
3, persatuan urang Barat, (pikeun urutan sampel & bagian)

B. jasa teknis
1, Urang ngitung kapasitas jeung nyarankeun model pangalusna.
2, Kami nyayogikeun anjeun dukungan téknis refrigerasi profésional sareng dukungan téknis éléktronik pikeun pamasangan anjeun, debugging jeung operasi.
3, Kami nyayogikeun suku cadang sareng dukungan téknis di & sanggeus waktu jaminan.
4, Kami nyayogikeun kursus pelatihan pikeun pagawé anjeun di pabrik kami upami anjeun peryogi.

C. jasa saatos-jualan
1, rojongan teknis pikeun instalasi Anjeun, operasi sarta perawatan.
2, Garansi sataun, tur anjeun bisa mayar jaminan nambahan.
3, Suku cadang jeung rojongan teknis di paling harga ékonomi sanggeus jaminan
Lamun museurkeun produk urang, PLS ngarasa Luncat ngahubungan kami.

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