Round PVC Above Ground Pool Liner Anti-UV in Line with Reach

Round PVC Above Ground Pool Liner Anti-UV in Line with Reach

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PVC membrane is used to line the above ground pool ,which is easy to install. The edges of the material are overlapped, welded,hook and sealed with the very latest hot-air welding tools. The PVC pool liner is waterproof, stable in molecules, not easy to adhere to dirt and bacteria. And antioxidants are added,which is non-toxic and enviromentally friendly.
Our pvc liner for swimming pool is anti-corroded and anti-ultraviolet rays. It can be used in professional swimming pools.

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Material using the top PVC,anti-UV,in line with REACH requirments, the pool liner using high frequency seamless welding, which is durable and no-leaking.Color is natural seawater blue and other patterns

Did Your Pool Liner Has Below Problems?Many Details Need to Consider Before you buy 1. Beuli nasehat
2. Harga pabrik
3. Kontrol produksi
4. kontrol QC
5. Pangiriman dina waktosna
6. Rojongan sanggeus jualan
A. Service pamayaran
1. T/T
2. L/C (pikeun pesenan wadahna wungkul)
3. persatuan urang Barat, (pikeun urutan sampel & bagian)

B. jasa teknis
1. Urang ngitung kapasitas jeung nyarankeun model pangalusna.
2. Kami nyayogikeun anjeun dukungan téknis refrigerasi profésional sareng dukungan téknis éléktronik pikeun pamasangan anjeun, debugging jeung operasi.
3. Kami nyayogikeun suku cadang sareng dukungan téknis di & sanggeus waktu jaminan.
4. Kami nyayogikeun kursus pelatihan pikeun pagawé anjeun di pabrik kami upami anjeun peryogi.

C. jasa saatos-jualan
1. rojongan teknis pikeun instalasi Anjeun, operasi sarta perawatan.
2. Garansi sataun, tur anjeun bisa mayar jaminan nambahan.
3. Suku cadang jeung rojongan teknis di paling harga ékonomi sanggeus jaminan

Lamun museurkeun produk urang, PLS ngarasa Luncat ngahubungan kami.


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