Er usti hovuzlari uchun mini hovuzli issiqlik pompasi 6 m³

Er usti hovuzlari uchun mini hovuzli issiqlik pompasi 6 m³

qisqa Tasvir:

The mini pool heat pumps are incredibly easy to install for your above ground pools. The heat pump’s running cost is less than that using an electric pool heater. With the mini pool heat pump, it makes it possible to extend the seaon use for above ground pools, spas and hot tubes. They can work at lower air temperature as they have an aotomatic defrost function. The mini pool heat pumps are designed for small above ground pools, hot tubs and spas.

Mahsulot batafsil

Mahsulot teglar

The mini pool heater is designed to be the heating solution for above ground pools, hot tubs,spas due to small capacity. Compact size,light weight and easy-installtion
1. Mini size, matching different kinds of above ground swimming pools
2. Galvanized metal or ABS housing
3. R410A enviromental friendly refrigerant
4. Use water connection, plug and digital control panel
5. Kam shovqin
6. Brand-name compressor
7. Can OEM or ODM1. Xarid qilish bo'yicha maslahat
2. Zavod narxlari
3. Ishlab chiqarishni boshqarish
4. QC nazorati
5. O'z vaqtida etkazib berish
6. Sotishdan keyin qo'llab-quvvatlash
A. To'lov xizmati
1. T / T
2. L / C (faqat konteyner buyurtmasi uchun)
3. Western Union, (namunaviy buyurtma uchun & qismlari)

B. Texnik xizmat
1. Imkoniyatlarni hisoblab chiqamiz va eng yaxshi modellarni tavsiya etamiz.
2. O'rnatish uchun sizga professional sovutish texnik yordamini va elektron texnik yordamni taqdim etamiz, nosozliklarni tuzatish va ishlash.
3. Biz ehtiyot qismlar va texnik yordamni etkazib beramiz & kafolat muddati tugaganidan keyin.
4. Agar kerak bo'lsa, biz fabrikamizdagi ishchilarga o'quv kurslarini etkazib beramiz.

C. Sotishdan keyingi xizmat
1. O'rnatish uchun texnik yordam, foydalanish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish.
2. Bir yillik kafolat, va kengaytirilgan kafolat uchun to'lashingiz mumkin.
3. Ehtiyot qismlar va texnik yordam, kafolatdan keyin ko'pgina iqtisodiy narxlarda

Agar siz bizning mahsulotlarimizga qiziqsangiz, pls biz bilan bog'lanish uchun bepul.


biz uchun xabar yuborish:
