

  • Blueberry Drying Process

    Blueberry drying (reference drying process) [1] blueberry Blueberry, one of small berries, having a blue color, bright color and blue color wrapped in a layer of white fruit powder with delicate pulp and minimal seeds. Sweet and sour taste, and has a pleasant aroma, for fresh food. Blueberry is a fruit with high nutritional value. Blueberry has the highest antioxidant power than fruits and vegetables. Water soluble and insoluble food fiber is twice as much as kiwi fruit and apple. Blueberry contains many vitamins and minerals as a source of vitamin C and food fiber. Blueberry dried also inherits the advantages of blueberries, which contain a large number of physiological active substances, known as fruits and vegetables "the first antioxidant…
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  • Apple Drying Process

    Apple drying process raw materials → washing → peeling → slicing → potion immersion → drying, film selection → packaging several links. (2) Main points of pre-processing of apple slices Raw material selection: select dense meat, high sugar content, thick skin, fully mature fruit, remove rotten fruit, disabled fruit. Raw material treatment: in order to remove pesticides from the pericarp, clean the fruit with running water. Peel by hand or mechanically, remove the core, cut into 7~8 mm slices, and then put into brine. Color protection: put the cut apple slices in 3%~5% salt solution to avoid oxidation and browning. The fruit is floating on the potion, and should be pressed with a curtain on the fruit to ensure that…
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  • Fruit Dryer Drying Process

    Fruit Dryer Drying Process 1. After cleaning, sort the fruits, and the fruits must be dried in the same way. 2. Slice fruits by hand or machine to a thickness of about 3-5 mm. 3. Spread the sliced ​​fruit pieces on the material rack. Be careful not to stack them to avoid uneven heat. 4. Open the control panel, set the temperature at 45 degrees, the time is 5 hours, and the humidity is 20%. 5. After drying, pull out the material to regain moisture for about half an hour, and then pack the box.
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  • خطة إعداد غرفة تجفيف مجفف الفاكهة

    1. غرفة تحميص بحجم 7 أمتار طويلة, 3 متر و 2.2 يبلغ طوله عدة أمتار. غرفة الخبز تغطي مساحة 7 أمتار * 3 متر = 21 متر مربع; إجمالي مكعب غرفة الخبز هو 7 * 3 * 2.2 = 46.2 متر مكعب. 2. 10مضخة حرارية لطاقة الهواء P آلة متكاملة, 9.3كيلوواط في الساعة, اللون الصلب الداخلي والخارجي للوحة التخزين, سمك 0.376 صفيحة فولاذية ملونة, لوح التخزين البارد الرغوي من مادة البولي يوريثين المتوسطة 10 سم, عزل جيد وختم, ومقاومة للحريق. 3. تتبنى غرفة الخبز تصميم باب واحد (يمكن أيضًا تصميم باب مزدوج وفقًا لمتطلبات العملاء) 4. The baking room program adopts touch screen…
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