Twesix هيٽنگ ۽ کولنگ هيٽ پمپ جي ذهين ڊيفروسٽنگ

Twesix هيٽنگ ۽ کولنگ هيٽ پمپ جي ذهين ڊيفروسٽنگ

انٽيليجنٽ ڊيفروسٽنگ ٽيڪنالاجي نه رڳو ٻاهرين ماحول جي گرمي پد ۾ تبديلين کي حقيقي وقت ۾ ٻاهرين محيطي حرارت سينسر ذريعي ڳولي ٿو, سکشن جي درجه حرارت سينسر, ۽ evaporation پريشر سينسر, پر اهو پڻ فيصلو ڪري ٿو ته ڇا يونٽ کي گرمي مٽاسٽا جي درجه حرارت جي تبديلين جي حقيقي وقت مانيٽرنگ ذريعي ڊيفروسٽنگ موڊ ۾ داخل ٿيڻ جي ضرورت آهي. ساڳئي وقت ۾, the system adds intelligent defrosting The frost system judges the best time for defrosting, truly achieves defrosting with frost and no defrosting without frost, improves defrosting efficiency, saves power consumption and improves comfort.

  • Intelligent Defrosting

Intelligent defrosting will intelligently judge the best timing of defrosting based on the real-time outdoor temperature, suction temperature, and evaporation pressure sensors, shorten the defrosting time by 30%, and extend the defrosting interval by up to 6 hours, so as to achieve energy saving and high-efficiency heating comfort.

  • Traditional Defrosting Technology

With traditional defrosting technology, once the outdoor temperature reaches less than or equal to -7°C and within the defrosting time range, the unit will automatically turn on the defrosting mode, which is prone to no-frost defrosting, resulting in waste of resources, loss of unit performance and reduced heating comfort.

Post time: 2023-02-06
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