


How do you dry coconut for copra?

A curious and expensive method is used to dry copra for edible purposes. To produce ball copra, the whole coconut is dried in the shell for 8-12 mo by smoke from husk and leaves, till all the coconut water dries out, and the kernels detach from shells, which one can audibly detect by shaking the dried nut.


型號: DPHG080S-PS



1.以上數據處於測試狀態: 室外單位喺空氣溫度20°C,入口空氣乾燥所有15°C, 出口空氣乾波+C
2. 喺標準測試條件下測試嘅德洪德尔德蒂伏鲁特内, 它會根據室外/室內溫度濕球而變化.
3. 模型參數性能nlight根據產品嘅更新而更改,我哋唔會特別通知, 請以銘牌作為最新版本點解使用Twesix嘅空氣源熱泵烘乾機節省能源
徹底克服開式和封閉式烘乾機系統嘅缺點, 並利用他們的優勢;打開和關閉嘅循環驅動系統不受環境溫度嘅影響. 當達到設定溫度時, 打開式封閉式乾燥方法智能切換, 合理、潛伏嘅埰熱系統避免咗低溫環境下嘅低埰煖效率, 即使喺超低溫下. 即使環境中沒有電和輔助熱量, 乾燥室可以快速加熱, 並且系統更加節能What can the food dehydrated machine dry? 我哋通常使用膠郃闆同收縮膜包裝, 使用紙箱盒為小模型,我哋都可以根據要求製作包.
1. 購買建議
2. 出廠價格
3. 生產控制
4. QC控制
5. 及時交貨
6. 銷售後支持
7. Drying process supportA.What details about food client provide
Food’s name, weight,moisture,drying time etc

B. Could you provide drying technical process to clients
係.. Every projects we did, and we always record them for clients

C. 售後服務
1, 安裝嘅技術支持, 操作和維護.
2, 一年嘅保脩期, 你可以支付延長保脩使費.
3, 保脩之後,大多數經濟價格嘅備件同技術支持

D.The delivery date

E.What kind of fruits you dry in your projects
Apple,grape, plum, peach, banana, pineapple, coconut,jackfruit etc

F.What kind of seafood you dry in your projects
sardine,squid,cuttlefish,yellow croaker,lobster,shrimp etc

如果你對我哋嘅產品感興趣, 請隨時聯繫我哋.


