


The pool cover is a smooth transition between the pool wal and floor. The cove prevents the pool liner from protruding from the pool wall and the base. The cove is made of bendable etha-foam material. It is easy and quick to install only by adhereing to inner bottom of pool wall.It is not easy to change shape or indent,which also can make the pool cleaning easier.

Traditionally, sandy or dirt are used as coves to protect the pool liners. The advanctage of a pool cove form can extend the life of an above round pool liner and make cleaning much easier. The disavantage of using sand or dirt to be the cove will selttle and disperse over time.



Why Use Foam Pool Cove in Above Ground Pool Cove?

The Pool Cove is quick and easy to install snce it is lighweight and easy to handle,which can also save cost in your above ground pool. The Pool Cove is made of chemically neutral foam which can be anti-corroded and prevents excessive stretching and premature wearing to the pool liner,adding years to the life of the pool liner. It also can eliminate sand from washing away and helps keep the pool liner in place.我哋通常使用膠郃闆同收縮膜包裝, 使用紙箱盒為小模型,我哋都可以根據要求製作包.
1. 購買建議
2. 出廠價格
3. 生產控制
4. QC控制
5. 及時交貨
6. 銷售後支持
A. 支付服務
1. T/T
2. 信用證 (僅用于集裝箱訂單)
3. 西聯, (樣品訂單 & 部件)

B. 技術服務
1. 我哋計算容量並推薦最佳型號.
2. 我哋為您提供專業嘅製冷技術支持同電子技術支持, 調試和操作.
3. 我哋提供備件同技術支持 & 保修期後.
4. 如果您需要,我哋會為您工廠嘅員工提供培訓課程.

C. 售後服務
1. 安裝嘅技術支持, 操作和維護.
2. 一年嘅保脩期, 你可以支付延長保脩使費.
3. 保脩之後,大多數經濟價格嘅備件同技術支持

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