Où est le meilleur endroit pour installer la pompe à chaleur air-eau?

Où est le meilleur endroit pour installer la pompe à chaleur air-eau?

Alors que la demande des gens pour une vie confortable continue d'augmenter, il y a de plus en plus de façons de se chauffer en hiver. Dans la perspective du développement des combustibles de chauffage tels que la combustion du bois → charbon → gaz → électricité, la technologie continue de progresser, et les équipements de chauffage se développent également pas à pas. . Aujourd'hui, de nombreux ménages utilisent le chauffage au sol ou des radiateurs pour le chauffage. Le chauffage centralisé est principalement comparé en termes d'énergie, charbon et électricité; le chauffage des ménages est principalement comparé en termes d'énergie, gaz et électricité. Après des années de recherche et de précipitation technique, le chauffe-eau à pompe à chaleur a eu un impact énorme sur l'industrie du chauffage traditionnel avec ses caractéristiques de protection de l'environnement, économie d'énergie, la stabilité, confort, Polyvalence, and long life.


The working efficiency of the heat pump for heating house is inseparable from the ambient temperature and changes with the ambient temperature. The higher the ambient temperature, the higher the energy efficiency ratio of the heater pump; the lower the ambient temperature, the lower the energy efficiency ratio of the air source heater pump. Par conséquent, the installation position of the air source heat pump unit needs to absorb more heat energy in the air, and it is usually installed in a place where it is easier to absorb heat, and the ventilation effect is better, which is helpful for heat absorption. Par conséquent, there should be no debris around the heat pump main unit, which will affect the heat exchange efficiency.


Enough heat exchange space should be reserved around the host installation of the air source heat pump, 20-30 cm heat exchange space and maintenance space should be reserved on the left, right and rear sides, and more than 2 meters of space should be reserved in front of the front fan. When the air source heat pump is heating, the heat pump main unit will discharge cold air. If there is debris in front of the fan, the cold air cannot spread quickly, and the heat will be difficult to gather around the heat exchange fins of the heat pump main unit for heat exchange, resulting in The heat in the air is less, which affects the heating effect.

En ce moment, you need to pay attention, don’t be afraid that the outdoor temperature is too low, worry about the low operating efficiency of the air heat pump main unit, or worry that the heat pump main unit will be damaged by freezing, so put a cover or warm items on the heat pump main unit, which will affect the heat exchange efficiency of the heat pump main unit , It is also easy to bring risks to the fan rotation of the heat pump unit. The air source heat pump itself has inverter technology and EVI increase technology, which can work normally in the environment of -35°C, so most users do not have to worry about the working efficiency of the heat pump (in some areas, the outdoor ambient temperature exceeds the operating limit of the air source heat pump. Température), we need to ensure the normal operation environment of the air to water heat pump, for example, when the surrounding snow of the heat pump is covered, the surrounding snow needs to be removed; when there are many weeds around the heat pump host, it is necessary to get rid of weeds; when there is a lot of dust, lint, and oily smoke around the heat pump main unit, these substances need to be cleaned up.

Heure du message: 2023-02-16
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