
  • How to Dry Rice Noodles by Twesix Food Dehydrator Machine

    1、Low Temperature Period Using Twesix food dryer machine to dehydrator the rice noodle, the temperature at 25-30℃ 2、High Temperature Period The temperature is set at 38℃ to 42℃, the moisture of rice noodles are kept 13%,which can avoid noodles breaking 3、Cool Period Decreasing the temperature gradually to dry to avoid rice noodles breaking Generally by using Twesix noodles dehydrated machine, the drying time is 8 to 12hours,which can dry good-quality rice noodles
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  • How to dry sausage and bacon

    Tips: 1、Fast Drying Period Before pushing the racks hanging sausage and bacon into the drying chamber, let the Twesix dehydrated machine discharge hot air to the temperature 60 ℃to 65℃,which can let sausage and bacon ferment, keep color and taste 2、Slow Drying Period Temperature at 52℃ to 54℃,humidity 45%, the drying time is 3 to 4hours 3、Fast Drying Period Temperature at 60℃ to 62℃,humidity 38%,the drying time is 10 to 12hours. After drying, the sausage and bacon contains 18% Подршка процесу сушења,which is best dried quality.
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  • How to Dry Red Roselle Hibiscus

    1、First wash roselle, remove the petals from the calyces. And then spread the calyeces out to dry on a rack in Twesix food drying machine 2、Using 30-50 degree to dry, After 6-8hours, the roselle calyecess are finished drying 3、After finishing drying, pack the dried roselle by sealing bags or bottles
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  • How to Use Twesix Potato Noodle Dehydrator

    1、The Twesix drying machineadopts the medium and low temperature drying method (15-50°C/60°C/80°C), which is close to natural drying. The dried noodle has good quality, good color, high product grade, and no pollution , Energy saving is remarkable, and it is more in line with environmental protection and sanitation requirements. 2、The noodledryer comes with PLC + touch screen programmable control system, temperature, humidity and time are automatically adjustable, and the equipment has high temperature and humidity control accuracy: the temperature control accuracy in the baking room can reach ±0.5℃, and the relative humidity can reach ± 3%. 3、Thenoodledryer equipment has intelligent protection measures such as over-temperature automatic alarm and fault alarm. The equipment is also equipped with multiple safety protection functions:
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  • Како дехидрирати резанце помоћу Твесик машине за сушење резанаца

    1、Зато што су резанци направљени од пшеничног брашна које садржи много воде, који се лако растежу и ломе. Температура у комори за сушење се контролише на 20℃ до 30℃ са великим хладним ваздухом,време је 30 минута, влага доле из 32-35% до 27%-28% 2、Други период, температура је 35℃ до 45℃,влажност 75-85%, време сушења је 30 минута, и влага доле из 27-28% до 25% 3、Трећи период, температура је 45℃ до 50℃,влажност 55-60%, време сушења је 90 минута, влага доле из 25% до 16-17% 4、Ниска температура постепено, свака 2то 3 минута, до 1℃, време сушења је 90 минута
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  • Drying Avocado Process

    1、Wash the avocado, cut it to take out the seed and also peel the skin of avocado 2、Cut the avocado into slices with 3mm, then put themon the trays and put them into Twesix food drying machine 3、Setting the temperature at 60 ℃, relative humidity 5%, after 6-8 сати, the avocado will be finished drying. 4、Must guarantee that avocado is dried fast.Or the avocado will be bad
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  • Pineapple Drying Process

    Pineapple slices can be divided into 5 stages to complete The first stage: сушење, no dehumidification, 1.5 сати, the same temperature inside and outside, the temperature is 50 degrees; The second stage: the temperature is 53 degrees, and the continuous dehumidification starts, and the humidification reaches 40%; Трећа фаза: the temperature is 58 degrees, continuous dehumidification, humidity 26%; The fourth stage: the temperature is 55 degrees, humidity is 20%, continuous dehumidification; The fifth stage: the temperature is 48 degrees, humidity is 18%, continuous dehumidification for 1 сат, drying is completed.
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  • Reference technology for drying persimmon

    [1] persimmon origin Persimmon cake, also known as persimmon, is a famous traditional snack in China. Nutritional value is very high, mainly produced in Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region, Кина, has more than 400 years of cultivation and processing history. Gongcheng moon persimmon fruit shape beautiful, bright color, a thin skin, thick meat seedless, sweet and delicious, is the top persimmon. [2] air heat pump persimmon dryer Traditional persimmon drying, mostly using the sun natural drying method, greatly affected by the climate, drying process can not encounter rainy weather. Otherwise, it will be finished, and can not be remedied, even if reluctantly according to the process to the end, the persimmon is sour. Heat pump persimmon dryer,
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  • Mulberry Drying Process

    Setting drying parameters: Mulberry is a berry with high sugar content and high moisture content, and the longer fruit shape is composed of the shape of a small fruit bag, and the moisture is difficult to come out, so it takes a long time. Истовремено, the drying temperature can not be too high, the temperature is too high, it is easy to affect the effective content of anthocyanin. The first stage of drying temperature rise for one hour, no moisture, drying mode, so that the drying room up to about 50 degrees. The second stage is set as drying and dehumidification mode, the target humidity is 60 and the target temperature is 55 degrees. The fourth stage each stage rises…
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  • Процес сушења манга

    Манго је једно од познатих тропских плодова, воће манга садржи шећер, беланчевина, сирова влакна, манго садржи све воће ретки прекурсор витамина А каротен. Има високу нутритивну вредност: може да се бори против рака, смањити липиде у крви, име, појачати имунитет, спречити старење, спречити мучнину, смршати, окрепити слезину и стомак и тако даље. Зато што манго није лако чувати свежим и складиштити и транспортовати на велике удаљености, људи га често прерађују у шећерну воду у конзерви, кандирано воће, воћно вино, сушено воће, џем, желе и тако даље. Бакин професионална машина за сушење манга за ефикасно, брзи, заштита животне средине, сигурносно и хигијенско сушење манга. Манго сушач је удобан и згодан, аутоматски и интелигентни. It can adjust temperature and humidity according to the characteristics of drying material.…
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